Saturday, January 22, 2011

Barter a great way to save money

Remember those old Little House on the Prairie reruns where Doc Baker was paid in eggs, chickens or other items for his services? While bartering isn't as common as it once was it does still exist.
I belong to a volunteer program similar to the timebanks programs.
How it works: Members list services they provide and services they need.
You then keep track of your time and send it in at the end of the month to the coordinator.
If you have enough hours banked you can call other members for the services you need.
This has been a lifesaver many times for me! Examples of things I have had done for  me: ceiling tiles installed in my basement
work done in my basement bathroom
having a clothesline installed in the back yard
snow shoveling and more! It's a great way to help others, get acquainted with others in your neighborhood and meet new friends. To find more information on these types of groups in your neighborhood try doing a Google search for barter or barter groups and see what you can find! A concept from years ago that is making a comeback with our tight economy.
Until next time L.

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