Sunday, April 17, 2011

Saving money on food

Food costs are on the rise just as gas prices are.
I heard a news story saying the average family tosses out around $1200 in food from the fridge each year!
This is a shockingly high dollar amount! I admit as a single person sometimes I too end up tossing food and I feel guilty every time.
We have such fast paced lives that sometimes it's easier to grab fast food meals on the go vs. cooking.
Clipping coupons can really help to shrink the grocery budget. I usually average over $1000 a year in savings per year and more after calculating coupon savings. Coupon clipping does take some time and organizational skills.To save even small amounts in the beginning, you would be surprised how much you have saved at the end of the year if you keep track of how much you spend vs. how much you save.
I have 2 coupon binders or wallets, that are always well stocked. I categorize the coupons alphabetically .
One binder is for current coupons, the second since my store takes expired coupons up to three months past the expiration date is for expired coupons. I then match the coupons to the current store ads for that week to save even more money.
Target and Walmart will price match if you bring in the store ad.
Check your store for clearance corners. One of the grocery stores I frequent, has a clearance section where items that have been accidentally cut into when opening a case are marked down. There is nothing wrong with these items, other than the fact that the outer packaging has been cut and taped. Health and beauty and pet products are also marked down in this area. There are also items close to their expiration dates.
If you have a secnd freezer and are able to run into sales on frozen foods stockpiling frozen items is a good idea. Making meals ahead of time so that all you have to do at the end of a busy  day is thaw and reheat also saves time.
Get to know the department managers especially in meat. Most stores have mark down days or will reduce the prices later in the evening.
Saving a little now can add up to alot! Until next time!

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